Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Big Summer Storm

We had a huge storm last night with high winds and hard rains and some pea-size hail. Also lots of awesome thunder and lightning! The gardens were my biggest concern, even though were without power or phone for about 6 hours overnight. I went out today and got a closer look. It's not horrid. I think we likely lost half the corn. It didn't seem like too many were broken above ground, but they were laying completely flat. I might try tying string to stakes and seeing if that will hold them up and let them re-root. If not, I may have time to replant that and still get a later harvest. The bush beans are fairly flattened, but I didn't see too many that were broken. The paste tomatoes are the worst - I had not gotten them staked yet, so they were a mess. I got about half of them untangled and staked somewhat before another storm arrived this evening. I need to finish that first thing tomorrow. I didn't have as much time out there as I would have liked today. :-(

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