Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First workings outdoors...

We got outside a bit the last few days and talked about where we are going to put these gardens and the greenhouse and the chicken yard. Will and I pruned the butterfly bush and cut down lots of dead stalks from flowers. I found crocus and daffodils poking up and some small signs of new life in the rose bushes.

Today, Tom and Will laid out newspapers on the small bed where the lettuce, spinach, broccoli, etc... will go. Then the kids and I went out this afternoon and we added a layer of leaves and then 2 buckets of bunny manure and 2 buckets of well-aged compost. We then covered this with black plastic held down with rocks. We are hoping that the sun will "cook" the mixture and make it break down soon so it will be good for planting.

I found a source for some more manure, need to get Tom to help me go get it this weekend hopefully. I want to get the rest of the gardens planned and drawn so I can share here, will work on that soon.

It feels great to be outdoors!

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