These are the things that are planted behind our house. This is a fairly neglected area, it is pretty sloped but I hope to plant more there in the future. It gets good afternoon sun and isn't horrid soil.

Kiwi vine that had been growing for several years. I pruned this way back in late winter and it seems to have liked it. I need to get back there and train it up an arbor, similar to a grape vine. Need to build an arbor first though!

This is the female kiwi vine that I planted for the other side of the (yet to be built) arbor. I know this one is female.

This is the male kiwi vine. It is evidently rather pretty when it blooms. I am hoping that the other two are females. It takes about 5 years until they have matured and bloom and you must have a male and a female in order to get fruit. The fruit on these cold-hardy ones is smaller and smooth (not hairy). I look forward to one day enjoying them!

This is the rhubarb. It was doing quite well - until Tom mowed it down. I showed him where it was but had not marked it and the grass had gotten kinda high and it was getting dark when he was mowing. Oh well, I think it will survive and I put brick around it for now. I am looking forward to a good harvest next year if not this one!
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