The rose beds, herb garden and a hill full of daylilies are all on the perimeter of the driveway. They are in desperate need of weeding and TLC right now, but here are pics of today for comparison later.
This St. John's Wort is up on the hill near the daylilies.
Rocks and daylilies are hopefully going to prevent the landslide of this slope into the driveway. The daylilies are just now getting buds on them.
This is the very sad herb garden. I have chives, parsley, mint, bee balm and a big huge comfrey plant that I pruned way down but is still a monster. I need to start using it for garden tea fertilizer but haven't yet. I also offered some to friends and need to dig some up to give to them. I am considering transplanting it somewhere else since it is so large and invasive. Useful and pretty though!
These are the comfrey flowers.
The rose garden. See the calla lilies poking up on the left front? Most of these rose bushes are very young. On the right side is heather and dead nettles. Ignore the big pipe in the way... and all the weeds.

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