Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Cool Weather" Bed update

I just came in from weeding the "cold bed" which is what I have been calling this one tucked in next to the front porch. The big plants in here were started indoors months ago, the smaller ones were started from seed a few weeks ago. I have two plantings of lettuce started at different times so that we can eat salads from them as they are ready. I was out around lunchtime and some of the bed was in shade (the good pics) and some were in glaring sun, so pardon the poor pics on a few of these. I am pretty pleased with the lettuce and broccoli! :-)

Lettuce - 2nd planting.



Collards - a bug seems to like munching on this...


Lettuce and Broccoli plants.

Peas climbing twine trellis.

Broccoli head just begun.

Lettuce - about ready to pick!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!!! What a garden(s)! It is beautiful and healthy. You will really enjoy eating from your own back yard. I can foresee a harvesting extravaganza as well. You will be one busy family storing it all up. Hope you had a lovely anniversary.
